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Sunday, November 13, 2011

When God Puts His Foot Down In China

You are more likely to hear Made In China than God In China.

On the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church I had the pleasure of reading this bit of good news from China.  I think you will find it encouraging and you will be spurred on to pray as never before:

A great hallelujah to our God.

When "Bless Me And My Family" Are Not Enough

Today, November 13, 2011, International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, I am moved to tears.

How much we take for granted our freedom!  How many of us who are proud to say that we are Christians wake up on mornings without even saying, "Good morning God"?  It is more important to wash our faces or comb our hair or listen to the radio than to seek out, first thing in the morning, the God who gives us the breath of life that enables us to step out of bed and reach for the articles we think we cannot do without.  How insulting to God.

I asked my community kids this morning how many of them would ever leave home for school without brushing their teeth, and all of them vehemently denied that they would ever do such a thing.   I asked for a show of hands of those who had thanked God for the new day this morning and I couldn't find one.

Again, I say we take things for granted until we realize what it means for fellow believers in "closed" countries to identify with the name, Jesus Christ.

Please watch these short videos and get it in your head that prayer is much more than "God bless me and my family".  There are others counting on your prayers and my prayers for making it through each day and night. May their stories change the way you pray for ever.

God bless the persecuted church.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Beyond the Sounds of Music

There is no running away from music.  I just closed my eyes and tried to imagine what it would be like without music in this world.  But I discovered that music exists all around. 

One of my dogs was barking at one pitch, then another across the village joined in.  Another of my dogs joined the chorus and soon all the others in the neighbourhood yapped in. At the same time a truck passed by and tooted his horn.  And another responded.  The two engines hummed at different levels and another zoomed past with the roar of a motorbike on its trail.  Someone was using an electric plane making an "Ooo-wah-ooo-wah" sound. A curtain flapping in the breeze that fingered its way through the swaying leaves of the coconut trees, could have easily been the sound of a sheep-skin drum.  In these parts roosters crow at will. I could not decipher whether that one was singing "I'm Not Sleeping" or "Are You Sleeping Brother John". The noisy refrigerator kept up a fast Rap in an unknown tongue.

When put together what I heard was a composition for an album that could be called "The Music of the Village".

Music affects the body, mind and spirit--for better or worse.  Notice how soothing or irritating it can be.  Your fingers, you feet, your head, your hips respond to it.  And when the right song is played, observe how it puts you in an atmosphere of adoration and worship for your Creator.

As a music lover I have bookmarked pages to my favourite music, and wanted to share with you, like I would my sugar-coned ice cream, the different flavours to be found online.  So please enjoy.

Note: [Nicer if you play in full screen]

This one is for young people:

This next song sings about the extent of God's love for us and how much he is jealous for  our affection.

I love the next one because it is the true picture of the love between a father and child, and love how it brings out the tender and playful side of the Creator.  It's called "Peek A Boo Daddy".

Francesca Battistelli makes you want to get up and dance.

Jewish worship music is absolutely wonderful always seems to be combined with dancing. See Barry and Batya Segal's "In The Latter Days".  So beautiful.

 This is another of their well-choreographed dances to In the Latter Days.

And after this, here is a power-packed Jamaican song, good to exercise to and lose some physical and spiritual fat.  This is DJ Nicholas.

Wouldn't it be a good idea to purchase some of these as end-of-year presents for your friends and family?  Sometimes it is so difficult to decide on what to give. So maybe you can play them some samples from the above artists if you liked them, then start purchasing while it's still early.

And now forgive me if I throw in the last song: "Forgiven" by TrueVibe:

Because It Changes

Our last blog entry was on August 11, 2011.  It was a link to the Word For Today--short daily bite-sized messages that help to feed your mind, which then enable you to live sensibly.

That specific message was appropriate for the moment, since before I had read it there were some high profile scandals that shook the body of Christ. Because the embedded link was not static, readers clicking on it after that date would see the current date's message and not the intended one.  That's okay, because every Word for Today message has relevance.

However, since these message may be shared freely, I have taken the liberty to paste the direct text of the article of August 11, 2011.

 11 Aug 2011
 'Let my prayer be... as incense...' Psalm 141:2 Noah's ark is a picture of your church. It wasn't a luxury liner; can you imagine spending a year in that ark with all those animals, and just one window? But Noah had only two options - the stink or the storm. So what's the relevance here? That there are no perfect churches! Furthermore, if you found one and joined it, you'd ruin it! We all love to talk about the power of the New Testament church, but what about its problems? They had hypocrites. Remember Ananias and Sapphira? They had financial scandals (Acts 5). They had doctrinal differences that almost split the church down the middle (Acts 15). And they had moral problems. They actually had a man belonging to the Corinthian church who was sleeping with his stepmother (1 Corinthians 5). So what should you do when there's a big stink in your church? First, don't spread it. 'And above all things have fervent love for one another, for love will cover a multitude of sins' (1 Peter 4:8 NKJV). Second, work for reconciliation. '...If someone falls into sin, forgivingly restore him, saving your critical comments for yourself...' (Galatians 6:1 TM). Third, burn incense. When the lamps in the tabernacle were snuffed out each evening they left a bad smell, so God commanded Moses to burn incense. Don't be discouraged when 'flesh acts like flesh'. And don't be part of the problem by being immature; instead, be part of the solution. The Psalmist said, 'Let my prayer be set before You as incense.' When problems arise in your church, you should pray, walk according to God's Word, and believe Him to bring good out of the situation.

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Extra Mile

I can understand why some people turned away from following Jesus, even though they were frequently in his company and witnessed or even experienced his miracles.

Some of the things he said simply did not make sense; for example, a man hits you on one side of your face, turn and offer the other side too.  Huh?  Sounds ridiculous.  But many of us have unconsiously practised this principle in our childhood days. Take, for instance, you and your siblings or friends had been given a treat to share among yourselves.  After you had been given the smallest share someone from the group decided to pinch some of yours.  Of course you were hurt.  You immediately lost the taste for whatever it was and said, "Here, take all.  I don't want it!"  And, surprise, surprise, instead of refusing it, the greedy person gladly grabbed the rest.

I was discussing the topic of ingratitude with a dear friend of mine.  He said that he would help people who were constantly ungrateful no matter how many times he helped them, but he would not go out of his way to help.  When you listened to the kinds of examples that helped to shape his reasoning it is easy to agree with him.  But if you are alert to the teaching of the Christian Spirit Guide, the Holy Spirit, you would remember Jesus' instruction to go the extra mile.

Jesus compares a person who hears his sayings and does them to a wise man who builds on a rock (solid foundation), while one who hears and does not follow them to a foolish man who builds on sand (loose and unstable footing).  The test comes when the storms batter the structure.  Matthew 7:24-27.

I gave the matter a lot of thought.  I have seen ingratitude in its extreme.  And humanly speaking it seems like the better option to refuse these persons when they show up with their troubles and petitions, as they inevitably will.  But I have examined the wisdom of Jesus and in an "aha!" moment I realized why he gave these instructions in Matthew 5: 38-39.

Some people are naturally ungrateful.  That's how they were raised.  It's a family trait.  But there are others who take ingratitude to an extreme level because they want to take advantage of a person's Christianity and laugh about it.

Verses 45-48 are the keys to the wisdom of the matter (Matthew 5:45-48)--children like their father.  The Heavenly Father is gracious even when we don't deserve it.  Even when we take him for granted he bestows on us his mercies.  He not only gave us forgiveness of our sins, but he went the extra mile of providing healing for our sicknesses, emotions, guilt and oppression.  He could have simply provided forgiveness only in Christ's sacrifice but he went the extra mile, throwing in healing, otherwise we could have been walking around like itchy street dogs, forgiven of our sins but weighed down by the consequences of those sins.

So although it is difficult, and makes you look like a moron, ask the Holy Spirit to help you (which, by the way, is an extra benefit of Christ's sacrifice) to extend grace to the person who doesn't deserve it.  That way, you will be like your Father, who is in heaven.  Luke 6: 27-31.

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Thursday, June 16, 2011


 Disclaimer:  The following is not about working to obtain spiritual salvation but is only intended to educate readers on the symptoms and causes of wrong choices, and to direct them to the Great Physician who administers healing.

Your life is made up of one choice after another.  Even if you do nothing, that in itself is a choice.  You have chosen to just let an opportunity pass, you have chosen to ignore a threat, or you have chosen to take the time to examine the choices that are available in the situation.

Choices are like seeds.  There are so many kinds of seeds, and seeds do what they like to do most--grow.  What, how, when and where determine the beauty of the landscape or the harvest you will reap.

It may be that you absent-mindedly toss out some seeds, with no intention of growing anything, as in the case of tomato or pepper seeds.  Sometimes there is a moist area where water drains from your kitchen sink and it can be a fertile area for discarded seeds to spring up.  Soon you are surprised to find some lovely tomatoes ripening on the vine.  Some of your life's choices follow that pattern.  In your daily activities, because of your personality, you dish out smiles and a few encouraging words in an environment that feels damp and dreary.  Very soon it takes root and one more person begins to see life in a different light.  It is as if the sun has begun to shine.

At times you deliberately decide to plant--maybe a mango, coconut, palm, or some other sturdy tree.  You may wait many long years before the manifestation of your dream.  Likewise, some of your choices do not produce their results until later on in life, even after you have forgotten about them.  For example, recently I took a group of kids to visit an elderly friend and had them read to her.  She remarked that it was interesting how the same thing she did when she was younger (take kids to visit the elderly and read to them) was the same thing that was happening to her in her senior years. Similarly, the fruits of rebellion may take a long while to mature. 

Sometimes you are horrible to someone.  Perhaps you just don't like the individual so you refuse to help him or her.  Maybe you don't even know what it is about the person you dislike but you try to put pressure just to make his or her life miserable.

Seeds are an interesting subject to study.  It is fascinating to watch an ant struggle with a seed much bigger than itself.  From where the seed fell in your yard it is carried away and deposited among the nearby weeds and abandoned when the ant is disturbed by a broom sweeping across the yard.  The plant shows up in an unexpected place.  In much the same manner the results of your choices can manifest generations down the line in your family, whether they were positive or negative choices.  That's one of the reasons why you cannot understand why certain situations keep recurring as a pattern in your family's life.  The tree continues to bear fruit after its kind in its season.

What should you do when you realize that you, in a moment of stupidity, have dispersed seeds that are producing an undesirable harvest in your life or in your loved ones' lives?  What do you do with the weeds and the thorns that are choking the life out of your happiness and prosperity?  What strong weed killer, or what kind of tiller would you use to uproot the unwanted plant?

The first step is to admit that there is a problem.  Next, ask God to show you the original location where you planted the seeds of destruction.  Tell him you are sorry about that mistake.  Ask him to apply the blood of Jesus to that area and to cast out the devil who has gained an entry point into your life.  Ask him to destroy the seeds and their subequent harvests so that they will no longer exist and multiply.

Thank him for the good seeds you have planted and ask him for the wisdom to propagate even more.  Finally, using that knowledge, plant some more good seeds and joyfully await the harvest for yourself, your family and for others.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


“Neither do I condemn you.  Go and leave that sinful lifestyle.”
How is that possible?
I never really examined the issue of the woman caught in adultery in that light until yesterday when someone read the passage that way.  Coming to think of it, there was the case of a Samaritan woman who was chatting with Jesus and he told her all he knew about her lifestyle.  She had been married a number of times and the man she was now living with was not her husband.  Jesus then offered her salvation. She ran to her village to tell her friends and family about him-- the man who supernaturally knew everything about her.

Obviously, the reason why she was in this illicit relationship was because something or someone was lacking in her life.  Jesus identified what it was—His presence in her.  Would she be willing to give up the cheap stuff for the real deal?

A relationship with one’s creator is the most satisfying relationship that can be experienced.  It has its moments of testing yet after years of togetherness, like any good marriage, it is worth the patience, trust, acceptance, peace, goodness, kindness, sacrifice, forgiveness (yes, we are sometimes mad at God) and love.

 Salvation is entering into the greatest love relationship of all. God is love with a capital L.  He is holy love. And there is a reason and a purpose for that kind of love.

I thank God that he doesn’t flirt with the devil.  The devil tried to seduce Jesus with all the glitter and bling of the world.  What if, and that’s an impossible what if, Jesus had told him, “let me think about it”.  Here’s how it could have worked out.  The devil would have said, “Take all the time you want to think about it.  I won’t hurry you.”  In the meantime the seducer would have carefully orchestrated their subsequent meetings. You know, the get to know you better kind of stuff. Like the excitement of Eve looking at the forbidden fruit from a different angle.

Then the subtle, “You don’t have to tell your Father about us.  And even if he finds out, who cares?  It’s your choice.”

So today, in an everything-goes world, marriage vows are discarded like out-of-style clothing, with the self-deception, “Let them talk if they want. You sin, I sin, we all sin, so cast the first stone.”

Wrong!  Wrong could never be right however one tries to justify it. The consequences very often are so complicated that extricating oneself causes greater hurt to everyone affected by the original wrong choice. 

What would Jesus say to woman who at one time walked with him but who with eyes wide open chose to enter into an extramarital relationship that led to the breaking up of her marriage?  Now, twenty-five years later, in a stable common-law arrangement, five more children who love and are loved by their father, how does love with a common or capital L bring about reconciliation with God and man?


The marriage promise was “till death do us part”. Death is separation from God, and divorce is a symbolic death—a separation from a husband-wife relationship.  Adam and Eve died, were separated from God ( the lover of their souls) when they committed spiritual adultery with the devil.  They fell for his seduction and were chased out of their perfect environment upon discovery.

The (biblical) Law condemns the guilty partners. Common law says it’s okay. Just make sure you share your inheritance with one another—children included.

Grace says you are wrong.  You have sinned against God and you have sinned against man.  Grace says Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed by thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread (including Your Word which is food for our souls), AND FORGIVE OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive them that trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory  forever.


To anyone who is being tempted to start an adulterous relationship, to anyone who is just discovering that the person whom you are presently dating is married with or without children, to anyone trapped in an unwholesome affair, and to partners who now realize that they have spent a great portion of their lives living outside of what God had intended for them, I say that now, this very day is the day to restart your life.  

Yes, YOU sin, I sin, WE ALL  sin, for the sinful nature we inherited from our unfaithful fore parents (Adam and Eve) still resides in us.   That is why Christians still sin after becoming Christians.  The difference Christ makes in one’s life is our impregnation with His godly nature; a new life growing within us to keep us from self-destruction. Please understand that to sin, and to live a sinful lifestyle are not the same.  That was what Jesus meant when he said, “Go and sin no more.”  Go, and change your lifestyle of immorality.

There is coming a day when we will finally be sin-free and sin-less like our Saviour who declared that ALL have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory; that sinless covering he intended us to live in from the beginning. He also declared that the wages of sin is DEATH, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6:23).  This eternal life is introduced to those who never heard of it in John 3:16, and many children can recite it for it is easy to remember:  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. 
To those who are feeling condemned, having blown it, here’s an important message from our sin bearer to you personally:

"For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."
The starting point is to confess to God that you have been tempted to sin/that you have sinned/that you have been living a lifestyle of sin and that you are sorry. Tell him that you are sorry for the hurt you have caused to other people while pursuing your sinful lifestyle. Tell him that you are willing to accept his sacrifice and his forgiveness.  Then invite him to put within you his nature and his Holy Spirit so that you would be all that he purposed for you from the beginning of time. Then, thankfully receive the forgiveness of your sins which he paid for with his blood, and the healing of all your sicknesses and griefs which he purchased with the brutal bruises he took in his body, accept the peace he provides through his Spirit for every situation in your life, and go and enjoy your new life in Christ.

It would also be proper to forgive everyone who has done you wrong. If you can find them and the Spirit of God prompts you to confront them, let them know that they hurt you but that you are this day choosing to forgive them as God requires.  If you have been the one who hurt others through your sins, ask God to tell you what to say to those from whom you are seeking forgiveness.  It is possible that they will reject your hand of reconciliation but you will be free from condemnation to live with a clear conscience, having been washed by the blood of Jesus.

Finally, I couldn’t help but notice in Revelation 20 that there is a second death coming to all whose names are not written in the book of Life.  Even in this worldly system we have a register of births. And chances are that your name or number can be found in there.  Well Jesus is keeping a register of births, so to speak in the register of newborns (born again people)—you must be born again to have eternal life. Check it out for yourself.  Go to Revelation 20: 11-15.  Death, hell and whoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.  That is a fiery divorce.

The next chapter describes a beautiful royal wedding, with the happily ever after, and the wicked witch ending up in the fire.  Which will you choose? The happy bride of the Lamb or disgraced, divorced and banished?

“And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that hears say Come.  And let him that is thirsty come.  And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. 
That is the message to the woman at the well in John 4: 7-39. It can help you make the right choice.  Now go and would you choose to sin no more?
For further study on the subject see Jeremiah chapter 3.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Terry and the Toilet Bowl Cleaner

A few days ago I picked up a plastic bottle of toilet bowl cleaner and struggled hard to open it, to no avail.  I twisted.  I squeezed and twisted.  I pitied, rather felt glad for, the child who would attempt to open this child-proof container.

After several frustrating, finger-hurting attempts I gave up and decided to try reading the label.  Great idea? Wrong.  I hurt my eyes instead.  It was a blue bottle with a white background, and a tiny blue print interspersed with special red instructions.  The print was so small that all I could see were white stripes and red zigzag shapes--nothing at all resembling English letters or words.  Perhaps you are familiar with Christmas trees and other shapes made by typing a series of xxxx.  That was more like it.

Then I thought about my friend.  I will call him "Terry" for short.  Terry has severe behavioural problems.  People label him as BAD! Worthless!  No good!  And he seems proud of these titles.  But underneath I have seen his frustration.  Like my toilet bowl cleaner experience Terry cannot read, no matter how much he tries.  Terry grew too old for primary school and was admitted to high school but if he lasted one year that was a long frustrating time.  To compensate for his inability to read he would fight, steal and get into all sorts of trouble.  I don't think this youngster would recognize his own name if you handed it to him on a plaque written in bold capitals and underlined.  I chuckle as I imagine him staring at a WANTED poster and admiring his picture without recognizing the caption.  But this is no laughing matter.

I don't know how far I will reach in trying to help my friend but before this year is over I would like to sit with him and have a go at it.  He has asked me to help him learn to read.  But he has to know in advance that he has to respect me if we are to work together.

That brings me to a similar problem.   There are so many people who attempt to open a Bible to read it, but the words seem strange.  It seems so hard to understand.  So many cautions. So many archaic words that look nothing like the English we know.  Revelations, Lamentations, like a giant puzzle for reassembling.  Biblical illiteracy is frustrating.  Is there any hope for the biblically Terrifieds?

Yes.  Someone has all the time in the world.  The one who inspired the Book is willing to help anyone who is willing to understand.  But the reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord is the starting point for the student, as clearly shown in Proverbs 1:7.

Ask him, if you find yourself in the awkward position of not knowing how to.   There's no need to cover up for your inability.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

You Joking!

Today I include some Vincy vernacular in my text, which I believe other Caribbean readers might have no problem comprehending.

If you can show me one passage in the Bible where God says, “Nah true man; I only joking,” I will have every reason to start trembling. 
What if God was only joking? 

 How many times have you “pulled somebody’s leg” by making him a fantastic offer? For example, you are walking through the neighbourhood with your friend and you spot this truly magnificent property. He comments on how wonderful it would feel to be the owner.  You reply, “It’s my father’s own, you know. You can have it for free.”  

And how about this: the times you tried to get a little child to eat her dinner by telling her that the frightful village character would be coming to get her if she didn’t hurry up and eat everything on her plate?  

Ever tried this one?  So you heard that I won the jackpot?” followed by, “Nah true man; I only joking.”

What if God was only joking? What if after he said, “This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased,” I prayed “Eternal God, I ask you to forgive me because of your Son, Jesus’ atonement for my sins,” and he answered, “Son? What son? I was only joking.”  

Talk about shattered confidence!  If Matthew 3: 17 was only a joke, then John 3:16 was also a joke.

So how can I know if I can seriously take Jesus’ declaration in Matthew 3:17 and 18? He states:

For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only son.

You joking? Nah man.  I believe it’s true because I checked out some other things he said and I have proved them to be accurate.

For instance, people are saying, “Boy, I don’t understand what's going on.  Like the world gone crazy!” So I took a look at 2 Peter Chapter 3 for evidence of a joke.  In verses 3 and 4, scoffers could be interpreted as saying, “You’re joking”. “Which coming? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.”

I checked Matthew 24, verses 3 to 34 where Jesus addressed many of the things we see happening in the daily news:  religion and more religion, wars and unconfirmed reports of wars, political upheavals, ethnic tensions, famines, diseases, earthquakes in different places, religious persecution, hatred, betrayals, false religion’s deception of many people, callousness of people due to moral decline and wickedness, and the worldwide preaching of the good news of Jesus’ coming to establish a kingdom. 

Errrks! Pull up. Pull up. Come again? No joke.  Jesus himself said in verse 4 of this same chapter, “Watch out that no one deceives you.” Why? Because the above-mentioned conditions would indeed take place, signaling his imminent return and the end of this world-system.

I checked Luke 21 and there, from verse 8, I saw almost the same thing.  It begins with the warning about being deceived.  There is a progression of events. In addition to some of the stuff I mentioned from Matthew 24, I think I recognized what looked like tsunamis, people experiencing heart failures because of the terror that will occur, nations in distress, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. Now this is serious stuff.  

I do not like pessimism.  There is also a bright side to all this.  There is a way of escape.  Jesus said in Luke 31:36  to be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man (also known as the Son of God).  There is nothing funny in that. And that's the truth.

I'm not joking.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Leah's Rainbow

Today I wanted so much to see one of the special rainbows that God sends me whenever something special is going to happen.  So I asked for it.  Like Elijah I went several times to look over at Semple Cay and at Friendship and even at Monkey Hill, really expecting to see one.  But I didn't.  And even as I was asking, a thought came into my mind that said, "With all the suffering and distress and loss in New Zealand do you still have the heart to ask God for something so trivial as a rainbow?"  But I immediately countered the thought by praying a prayer similar to this:

"Lord, after the devastating flood in Noah's time you sent a rainbow to let them know that all would be well.  You would never destroy the whole world with a flood, ever again.  But the New Zealanders are now mourning after such a great tragedy.  Would you please send them the equivalent of a rainbow to comfort them in their time of loss?"

I also prayed that in case there were still people trapped under the rubble who were still alive after so many days where people were thinking it was impossible to find anyone alive, that God would let them be rescued.

However, I didn't think it was insensitive to ask God for a rainbow at this time.  Rainbows always remind me that God is a promise keeper. Rainbows give me this extra loving feeling for God, my creator. God is not limited by the frequency or the intensity of world events; he isn't too busy to be disturbed with insignificant requests.  But, evening came, and night covered the day. Still no sign of a rainbow. 

Shortly before calling it quits for the night I decided to do a Google search for "Leah"s Rainbow".  I came up with the following blog, which at first brought to mind the mug I have that says,

                                                So willing to help
                                                So much to be done
                                                No wonder she's often
                                                The weary one
                                                                                             Jack Piatr

This mug  description fits me so well.

The blog post speaks about a woman desperately longing for her husband's love in her marriage by bearing children with the hope that her husband would fall in love with her.  Finally when she realizes that she cannot win his love that way she stops having children and instead she decides she would praise the Lord.

My name is Leah.  My story is different.  My intention was not to get married, not to have children because of my own childhood experiences, even though I loved children very much.  My earthly father figure did not accurately image my Heavenly Father.  I thought of Him as a harsh, judgmental God, just waiting for me to do something wrong so he could punish me.

But this God who makes the rainbows and draws my attention to them, who thrills me with his colourful arches across the sky, had other plans for me.  He gave me a wonderful husband who loves me so much, who has fathered our three wonderful children who love God and us as parents, and He has for over thirty years been intimately involved in the shaping of our marriage and family for his delight. 

As parents we would put a plaster on a bruise and "kiss and make it better."  God does the same for us.  In this imperfect world we can get bruised, battered and figuratively or literally buried under the rubble of life.  So tonight my heart aches for the children of New Zealand--the big ones and the small ones--whose hearts are all bruised.  May God who is preparing a new heaven and a new earth come and kiss and make it better for New Zealand, for Haiti, for Pakistan, for Australia, for Egypt, and for all those places experiencing some kind of distress.

Finally, in Googling for the significance of a rainbow I came across the following picture which "incidentally" was from New Zealand:


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Running Ahead of God

We are like extra-large babies.  I visualize a toddler, fascinated and over-confident in his new walking abilities.  The parent and the toddler appear to be going down the road.  The father is carrying the young child but determinedly the child squirms and pushes himself out of his parent's grasp, slides down to the ground, and then takes off in a speed ahead of him. 

"Wait!" the parents calls out, knowing at any moment traffic can come speeding round the corner.  But on rushes the infant, deaf to the safety calls of his guardian.

As if on cue, with a deafening roar, a rider on motor bike races toward them, frightening the not-so-brave-any-more child, back to the arms of his loving parent.
We are like that.  We sometimes have the idea that we want to go somewhere.  Or we hear God say that we will be going somewhere.  Without waiting for directions, or even misunderstanding directions, if any, we take off, ahead of our Father.  And God, who is ahead of time and knows what's around the corner, stretches out his hand to guide us.  But we wriggle out of his loving arms to strike out on our own.  It isn't that our Father is not going to put us down to walk part of the journey, but knowing the road ahead of time he is selective in where he should do just that.

This morning I read Chapter 4 of Never Alone by Joseph F. Girzone even while I was visualizing the above illustration and I am amazed by the different media by which God is helping me to understand the relationship (intimacy) for which I have been crying out with him.

It's like the story of the prodigal son and how it helps us to see Our Father giving to us lavishly.  We are all prodigal children who have spent on ourselves most of what our Heavenly Father has so generously given to us. 

We have spent our gift of salvation on ourselves. We have had our social Sunday morning parties in our church pews.  The music got better and better.  We had fun and sought more and more ways to make the party more enjoyable.  We spent all our financial blessings on feeling good.  Like gluttons we have eaten so much spiritual food without caring much for the needy outside. We have wasted our talents when we could have invested them in the Kingdom. When we feel empty, hurting and lost we come crawling back to him. Luckily, God is always glad to see us coming back from the distance and he reaches out to greet and welcome us.

From my journal of 9th October 2010

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


God reaches down from the sky and tickles my feet.  Like a touch of the television switch my dreams shut off abruptly.

"Wake up, my child," he says in a gentle voice.  For one who holds such awesome power in his hands, his tenderness is amazing.

"New Day's ready!" he calls.

 "What are we having today, Father?" I ask.

"First, let's get you washed in my Son's blood," he replies, washing away my sins and making me feel clean and ready for the day.  "Now that you're clean, put on your clothes."

"Which ones, Father?"

"Those Christ sent.  You can wear the one with the fruits of the Spirit, or you can put on your helmet of salvation, your breastplate of righteousness, your tight belt of truth.  You will need your shield of faith if you choose to wear that armour, and your shoes to be ready to announce the good news of peace.  Call me if you need help."

"Okay, I'm dressed!" I announce excitedly, my anticipation rising as I try to imagine what my Father has prepared in the new day he has spread before me.  "Oh, I'm hungry!" I declare.

"Not bread alone, dear," says my awesome, powerful, loving Father, God.  "But also every word that proceeds out of my mouth."

That spiritual meal is just out of this world.  I'll have some later.

"That was great, Father!" I call out.  "Thank you very much."

"Welcome, my child," he says with a big warm smile that looks like the sun in the early morning.  He kisses me on the cheek.  I feel his breath like a gentle breeze blowing across the bay.  I stretch contentedly.

"Now, get going!" he commands firmly but lovingly.  "Don't forget to keep in touch today.  I'm only a prayer away.  If you forget the number, it's listed in JESUS NAME.  Bye now."

"Bye, Father. In Jesus name..."

This was written by Leah in 1998 and was recently discovered among the many bits and pieces of her writings.