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Sunday, November 13, 2011

When God Puts His Foot Down In China

You are more likely to hear Made In China than God In China.

On the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church I had the pleasure of reading this bit of good news from China.  I think you will find it encouraging and you will be spurred on to pray as never before:

A great hallelujah to our God.

When "Bless Me And My Family" Are Not Enough

Today, November 13, 2011, International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, I am moved to tears.

How much we take for granted our freedom!  How many of us who are proud to say that we are Christians wake up on mornings without even saying, "Good morning God"?  It is more important to wash our faces or comb our hair or listen to the radio than to seek out, first thing in the morning, the God who gives us the breath of life that enables us to step out of bed and reach for the articles we think we cannot do without.  How insulting to God.

I asked my community kids this morning how many of them would ever leave home for school without brushing their teeth, and all of them vehemently denied that they would ever do such a thing.   I asked for a show of hands of those who had thanked God for the new day this morning and I couldn't find one.

Again, I say we take things for granted until we realize what it means for fellow believers in "closed" countries to identify with the name, Jesus Christ.

Please watch these short videos and get it in your head that prayer is much more than "God bless me and my family".  There are others counting on your prayers and my prayers for making it through each day and night. May their stories change the way you pray for ever.

God bless the persecuted church.